Marion Everly

Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Marion Everly, Mt. Jackson, VA (1906-1929)
  Everly's Drug Store, Mt. Jackson, VA (1930-1988+)

The following information was from the book "MT. JACKSON, VA.-- the Past of the Present and the Future"1:
Marion Everly, from Strasburg VA, was an apprentice at Schmitt's Drug Store in Woodstock, VA. After working in Moorefield WVA, he came to Mt. Jackson and purchased John Partlow's drugstore in 1906. Mr. Everly died in 1927, and in 1930 his son, Marion Everly Jr. assumed proprietorship, and changed the name to Everly's Drug Store. The store moved to a new location in 1946, and in May 1974 was sold to Mr. Kay Showalter.
Apparently this drug store became part of the Rexall chain of drug stores .


everly_01 This is a clear 3.7" screw-top bottle with a label that says:
label: ... / Everly's Drug Store / THE REXALL DRUG STORE / MT. JACKSON, VIRGINIA
embossed vertically on back: The / Rexall / Store

1 Book: "Mt. Jackson VA.-- the Past of the Present and the Future", second print 1994, from the Mt. Jackson museum

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This page last updated on March 28, 2015.