Crozet Drug Company

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Crozet Pharmacy, The Square, Crozet VA
  Crozet Drug Company, The Square, Crozet VA

The earliest reference I can find to the Crozet Pharmacy is 1910, but it may have started before that. I don't know who owned it, but there was a mention in a 1929 newspaper that Clarence Tompkins was a pharmacist there1,2.

Somewhere around the 1930s references to the "Crozet Pharmacy" stop, and references to the "Crozet Drug Company" start.
One of the items below that says "Crozet Drug Co" lists W. T. Wood as the pharmacist and manager. He took over the drugstore in 1936.3.

The Crozet Drug Company may have had more than one owner, but apparently it was run for about 50 years by the family of Conway Frederick Stanley and his wife Ann Cumbie Stanley4.

The postcard below that depicts the Crozet Pharmacy looks like the modern day building at the address "5793 The Square", and the Crozet Drug Co. was also located at "The Square"4, so I assume those 2 names refer to drugstores at the same location.


crozet_01 This is a clear, 5" machine-made bottle with label:
label: COAL TAR SOLUTION / ANTIDOTE: Give white of eggs or flour mixed with water, emetic / of mustard. Give strong tea or coffiee. Call a physician. / POISON / .. / Crozet Drug Company / SERVICE FOR THE SICK / CROZET VIRGINIA

Other Items:
crozet_04 This is a cardboard advertizement for Dr Miles and Alka-Seltzer. It says:
... / CROZET DRUG CO. / PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY / W.T. WOOD, Registered Pharmacist, Mgr. / CROZET, VA.
crozet_02 This is a postcard published by the Crozet Pharmacy, which depicts the pharmacy building, that apparently was shared by the Crozet Hotel and the Crozet Hardware Co. The back has a 1-cent stamp, so it was mailed between 1898 and 1952.
crozet_03 This is a photo from Google Maps, depicting the building at "5793 The Square, Crozet VA". It appears to be the same building as the one in the postcard above.

1 Richmond Times Dispatch, 11-Sep-1910, page 10
2 Richmond Times Dispatch, 22-Sep-1929, page 32
3 Blue Ridge Herald, 2-Jul-1936, page 5 (blurb about Dr & Mrs. W.T. Wood)
4 Crozet Gazette, 6-Jul-2017, obituary for Ann Cumbie Stanley

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This page last updated on October 5, 2022.