Community Drug Store

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Community Drug Store Inc., 269 West Main St., Charlottesville VA

The Community Drug Store Inc shows up in the 1931 City directory from Charlottesville, but not the 1929 or 1934 directories. I don't have access to any years in between those years, so it started sometime around 1929-1931, and lasted until sometime around 1931-1934.
I couldn't find any newspaper articles to tell me who owned this drug store.


community_01 Clear 3.2" bottle with a label:
label: EPSOM SALT / ... / COMMUNITY DRUG STORE, Inc. / 269 West Main Street / CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA.
embossed on the base: W T & Co / * / U.S.A.
community_02 Clear 3.6" bottle embossed:
vertical: Community / PHARMACY
This bottle does not say Charlottesville on it, so I'm not certain that it's the same Community Pharmacy that was in Charlottesville.

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This page last updated on September 4, 2021.