David Keppel

Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  David Keppel, NJ Ave cor F North (1868-1869)

David Keppel (1825-1978)2 is listed in city directories as a mineral-water bottler in 1868 & 1869 (so it's likely the bottle below was from that timeframe). In previous & subsequent years, he was listed as a saloon owner (1864-65) and a grocer (1866-67,1870), and in later years as a contractor. 1

Keppel died in 1878 while trying to break up a barroom brawl between 2 of his fellow contractors.3


keppel_01 book # 1
This is a 7.5" tall green blob-top bottle embossed:
rectangular slugplate: DAVID KEPPEL / WASHINGTON / D.C.

1 Boyd's Directory for the District of Columbia (various years)
2 Find-a-grave for David Keppel
3 The Daily Critic, 29-Jun-1878, p.4 "article: David Keppl's Death"

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This page last updated on March 6, 2024.