Julius Eisenbeiss

Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Julius Eisenbeiss, Cor 3rd west and H north, Washington DC (1867) [Saloon]
  Julius Eisenbeiss, Cor 301 H Street NW, Washington DC (1877-1888) [Saloon]
  Julius Eisenbeiss, 1101 8th Street SE, Washington DC (1889-1890) [Brewer]
  Julius Eisenbeiss, 207 7th Street SW, Washington DC (1892-1893) [Brewer]

The Washington DC city directories listed Julius Eisenbess under "Saloons & Restaurants" for the years 1867,1877-1888, and under "Brewers" for the years 1889-90, 1892-93.


jeisenbeiss_01 book # 29 (in the Stoneware section)
This is a 7" brown stoneware blob-top bottle imprinted:
The top 2-inches of the bottle is not original, but the repair job seems to have been done well.

1 Boyd's Directory for the District of Columbia (various years)

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This page last updated on April 27, 2022.